Breakthrough! Kick-off 2020 with a fierceness to achieve your goals and go after your destiny.

I know we are a few weeks into the New Year already, many of you may already have a head start on your goals. For me, there is something about 2020 that is different. It feels calm, exciting, peaceful and fast-paced all at the same time. There are great things that lay ahead. I believe this is a time when many will start to break-free and break-though. Eyes will be awakened to see bigger and brighter than they have ever seen before. Clarity will come to vision and God given identities will be stirred up so passionately, that there is no stopping them. I’m stirred up just thinking about it!

Let’s dive in by establishing yourfierceness. Remember you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:4). Your passion and your unmovable stance in knowing who you are and what you are made for is foundational in standing firm and breaking-free of chains holding you in bondage. 

  • Take a moment and ponder, “Who am I”?

First and foremost, you are a child of God! Created in His image. He knew you before the foundations of the world. Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.”  How amazing is that? You may have also listed things like parent, spouse, smart, funny, kind, loving, etc. I challenge you to spend some time jotting down who you are. Write down everything that comes to mind, don’t edit it, just write. After you have compiled the “Who am Ilist, I want you to brainstorm a second list. This time focus on, “What was I created for?”  You might feel writers block with this one. I encourage you to search your heart, what do you feel most drawn to? Capture these two list, as we will build on them as we go. 

Next let’s work on,demolishing your road blocks. Having a good idea of who you are and what you were made for sketched out, it’s time to determine what gets in the way. These road blocks or barriers could be set up and established by you, by others or by circumstances. Many times we set up our own road blocks, we create fictitious scenarios in our head led by fear and insecurities. We watch the scenarios so often they seem real and we begin to believe them. 

  • Take some time and write down road blocks you have built. They could look like, “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not qualified”, “I don’t have time”, etc. 

  • Next list additional road blocks or barriers standing in your way.

Now that you have them out in the light, I want you to start marking through the ones that are not true. These are the low hanging fruit, you know who you are and those lies can no longer hold you back. Next, move to those that you must work to overcome. These will be important to identify, so you can build out your plan of attack. These are the true road blocks that need strategies and effort to demolish.I encourage you to spend time building out strategies to break down each barrier. 

Lastly, go after your destiny! You might not have known it, but you have been building out your 2020 personal journey map. You have established who you are and what gets in the way of accomplishing what is on your heart. You have also spent time building out strategies to break down each and every barrier. Now it’s time to list out your goals and build strategies to accomplish each goal. Take some time to build out short-term goals that build on your long-term goals and broader vision. 

I am so excited for you and your 2020 goals and strategies! You got this!

Jen Kirby