Positive Change

Our thoughts and words matter. They can create positive or negative experiences and atmospheres. They are something we have control over. We can choose our thought life and the words we speak. We can choose who and what influences our thoughts, by guarding our minds and creating boundaries.

Positive change in our lives starts with positive thoughts and positive words. It may seem too simple or it may seem like the situation you are in is so complicated you don’t even know where to start. Start small pick one or two positive statements over your situation and begin speaking them daily. If needed, speak them each time you start having negative thoughts. Speak life over the situation and yourself. 

I have done this many times in my life. Sometimes you can get in a funk and need to begin redirecting your thoughts. For me it can be as simple as writing a declaration or a scripture on a post it note and reading and speaking it daily. Remember, you are wonderfully made and a unique gift to this earth!

Jen Kirby