Change Agent

Now that you have this change thing down. Okay, well at least you have started the process. It’s time to enact your inspirational and influential skills, as a change agent. You may be thinking okay great, what exactly is a change agent? For this specific purpose, it is someone who enacts and influences positive change to those peoples and atmospheres within their sphere of influence. In essence, you are a spark to ignite positive change around you. And once the first spark has ignited you are on the road to transformation. And a key element of transformation is change. Not only will you spark a change, you will assist in transforming the entire culture around you.

Many times it can seem like an impossible feat to shift a culture or atmosphere. You may also feel the same in changing someone’s mind. However, if you focus on one small step at a time you will be surprised by the outcome.

As a change agent, what will be your first mission to engage and activate your influential skills? Will it be a change in your workplace, your family, your community, or within a specific relationship? What will be the first steps in creating awareness and desire to the change(s) you are looking to implement? Desire can often be the hardest element to overcome. How will you inspire them to want to be a part of the change? These questions will help to activate the change process. You got this!

Jen Kirby